Here are some informative readings you may find helpful.

Included here are a number of classics that are useful introductions to these topics.

Behavioral Change

Pryor, K.  (2002).   Don’t shoot the dog: The new art of teaching and training. Gloucestershire, Scotland: Ringpress Books, Ltd.

 Hoekstra, R. (2013). The emotional extremist’s guide to handling cartoon elephants: How to solve elephantine emotional problems without getting run over, chased, or flattened.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Aguirre, B. & Galen, G.  (2013). Mindfulness for borderline personality disorder: Relieve your suffering using the core skill of dialectical behavior therapy.  Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Brach, T.  (2003).  Radical acceptance: Embracing your life with the heart of a Buddha.  New York: Bantam Books. 

Fruzzetti, A. E.  (2006).  High conflict couple: A dialectical behavior therapy guide to finding peace, intimacy and validation.  Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Linehan, M. M.  (2020). Building a life worth living: A memoir.  New York, NY: Random House.

Linehan, M. M.  (2014).  Skills training handouts and worksheets.  Second Edition. New York: The Guilford Press.

Linehan, M. M.  (1993).  Cognitive-behavioral treatment of borderline personality disorder.  New York: The Guilford Press. 

Manning, S. Y.  (2011).   Loving someone with borderline personality disorder: How to keep out-of-control emotions from destroying your relationship.   New York: The Guilford Press.

Miller, A. L., Rathus, J. H., & Linehan, M. M.  (2007).  Dialectical behavior therapy with suicidal adolescents.   New York: The Guilford Press.


Williams M., Teasdale, J., Segal, Z., & Kabat-Zinn, J.  (2007).  The mindful way through depression.  New York: The Guilford Press.


Ratey, J. J.  (2008). Spark: The revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain. New York: Little, Brown and Company.


Brantley, J. & Millstine, W.  (2008).  Daily meditations for calming your anxious mind. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications. 

Chödrön, P.  (2019). Living beautifully with uncertainty and change.  Boston, MA: Shambala Publications.

Chödrön, P.  (2016).  When things fall apart: Heart advice for difficult times.  Boston, MA: Shambala Publications.

Gunarantana, B. H. (2011). Mindfulness in plain english. Wisdom Publications.

Kabat-Zinn, J. (1994).  Wherever you go, there you are: Mindfulness meditation in everyday life.  New York: Hyperion.

Koons, C. R. & Linehan, M.M. (2016). The mindfulness solution for intense emotions: Take control of borderline personality disorder with DBT. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Kornfield, J. (2008).  Meditation for beginners.  Boulder, CO: Sounds True, Inc.

Kornfield, J. (2008). The Art of forgiveness, lovingkindness, and peace. New York: Bantam Books.

Nhat Hanh, Thich.  (1975).  The miracle of mindfulness: A manual on meditation. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.

Siegel, D. J.  (2011).  Mindsight. New York: Bantam Books Trade Paperbacks.

Ratey, J. J. (2008). Spark: The revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain. New York: Little, Brown and Company.

Snel, E. & Kabat-Zinn, M. (2013). Sitting still like a frog: mindfulness exercises for kids (and their parents). Boston, MA: Shambala Publications.


Hanson, R.  (2013).  Hardwiring happiness: The new brain science of contentment, calm, and confidence. New York: Harmony Books. 

Taylor, J. B.  (2006).  My stroke of insight: A brain scientist’s personal journey.  New York: Penguin Books.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Baer, L.  (2001).  The imp of the mind, exploring the silent epidemic of obsessive bad thoughts.  New York: Penguin Group.  

Foa, E. B. & Wilson, R. (1991). Stop obsessing: How to overcome your obsessions and compulsions. New York: Bantam Books.

Grayson, J. (2014). Freedom from obsessive compulsive disorder: A personalized recovery program for living with uncertainty. New York, NY: Penguin Books.


Aguirre, B. (2014). Borderline personality disorder in adolescents: What to do when your teen has BPD.  A complete guide for families. Second Edition.  Beverly, MA: Fair Winds Press. 

Atwood, T.   (2008). The complete guide to Asperger’s Syndrome. Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Hall, K. D. & Cook, M. H.  (2012).  The power of validation: Arming your child against bullying, peer pressure, addiction, self-harm and out-of-control emotions.  Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications. 

Harvey, P. & Penzo, J. A.  (2009).  Parenting a child who has intense emotions: Dialectical behavior therapy skills to help your child regulate emotional outbursts and aggressive behaviors.  Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Miller, L. J.  (2006).   Sensational kids: Hope and help for children with sensory processing disorder.   New York: Penguin Group.

Siegel, D. J. & Bryson, T. P.  (2011).  The whole-brain child: Twelve revolutionary strategies to nurture your child’s developing mind.  New York: Delacorte Press.


Brach, T.  (2012).  True refuge: Finding peace and freedom in your own awakened heart.  New York: Bantam Books. 

Hendricks, G.  (1990).  The learning to love yourself workbook.  New York: Fireside.

Neff, K.  (2011).  Self-compassion: Stop beating yourself up and leave insecurity behind.  New York: Harper Collins.

Salzberg, S.  (1995).  Lovingkindness:  The revolutionary art of happiness.  Boston, MA: Shambala Publications.


Mass, J, et al. (1998). Power Sleep: The revolutionary program that prepares your mind for peak performance. New York, NY: Villard Books.